In a post HB 7055 Florida, it is more important than ever to utilize our collective power to protect our jobs, our union & our public schools! With the ever-present threat of union decertification to all labor unions in Florida thanks to HB 7055, as well as the concerted attack to debilitate & dismantle national labor unions, as evident in the Janus ruling, it is absolutely vital that we as members utilize our vote to protect public education policy and ensure PRO public education elected officials are on our local school board, in our state house & senate, as well as the state Governorship.
This page will be dedicated to keeping our members informed of this year's election information, including voting registration information, candidate endorsements & opportunities for you to be invovled in political advocacy!
To gain full access to specific and detailed information concerning elections this year, you must be a member of HSEF. Click here to JOIN, or contact our office at 813-231-2030.
Florida Online Voter Registration System (registertovoteflorida.gov)
In a post HB 7055 Florida & a post Janus nation, it is more important than ever to utilize our collective power to protect our jobs, our union & our public schools.
Page Last Updated: Jun 15, 2021 (12:08:00)